What is the future of the State of Israel?
Work on this webpage completed on July 27, 2024. A copy of this webpage was left at THE WAYBACK MACHINE on the same day.
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This web page is a more detailed discussion of the answers received from Yi Jing when this question was asked:
#2: Question asked on July 21, 2024:
7/21/2024 18:03 It is very obvious that current state of Israel poses serious risk to the world peace and stability (by fomenting regional middle eastern wars using the USA as their proxy army and also by its influence on the governments of the western world) however it appears no one is able or willing to set boundaries for the Israeli government in regards to their extremely violent policies. Taking all of that in consideration what is the future of the state of Israel?
Before you read the content of this web page we suggest that you visit our main web site www.zhouoracle.com where you can find the background essay along with the short explanation of received hexagrams for this question.
First off I want to say that some abbreviations will be used in the text below - they will be as follows:
- The State of Israel (SofI),
- Khazarian/Ashkenazi/European Jews (KJs)
- Antisemitism (AS)
- Jews/Jewish (JS)
- Zionism/Zionists (ZS)
- Genocide (GC)
Why do I have to use such abbreviations? The reason is that KJs have managed to limit freedom of speech in the western world to a such degree that mere mentioning of those words may be used as a justification for different forms of sanctions - closing social media accounts, shadow-banning, search-engine delisting etc. The worst case scenario would be that mentioning of those words is interpreted as hate-speech which would cause even more problems. This website is hosted by Google so...
A very short history remarks
The SofI was created in 1948 by the KJs and ZS through the British government (as they already had full control of the British political establishment for long time).
First day after their statehood was proclaimed a war with their Arab neighbors started and for all intents and purposes this war never stopped and as we will see from the Yi Jing answers it is not likely it will ever stop.
After the WW2 ended KJs presented themselves as the major victims of the war (even though other nations such as Russia (lost 20 to 27 million people) and China (lost 15 to 20 million people) had much bigger losses) and used it as a moral justification for the creation of the SofI on the Palestinian land.
The history of SofI is the history of GC of the Palestinian people. After October of 2023 that was brutally obvious to everyone however the same policies and the same attitude existed in the SofI from the day one.
So we have a situation that someone is claiming victimhood status and at the same time they are victimizing everyone around them (Palestinians are the most obvious example however many believe that the SofI was behind the US attack on Iraq (under false accusation of possession of weapons of mass destruction) where over a million civilians lost their lives, also behind the destruction of Syria and creation of ISIS etc).
How is that possible? How one can maintain perceived victim status and at the same time commit such outrageous atrocities?
The answer is simple: the same people who established the SofI are the ones who serve you news and information.
If you want to understand KJs lies and deception you may want to read this short booklet written by Dr Martin Luther, the German Reformation leader, in 1543.
"But lying and deceiving is wrong" you may say, after all JS are religious people.
And you would be wrong - JS religion does not forbid lying to non-JS:
“JS may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile”.
— Talmud: Baba Kamma 113a.
Why is that?
This is why:
"The JS are called human beings, but the non-JS are not humans. They are beasts."
- Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b
“All gentile children are animals”
-Yebamoth 98a
“If a Jew murders a goyim, there will be no death penalty.”
-Sanhedrin 57a
"Kill the Goyim by any means possible."
Shulchan Arukh, Choshen Mishpat 425-50
"Toh shebbe goyyim harog - Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should be killed."
Soferim 15, Rule 10
Talmud and other JS religious texts are full of such quotations so one should not be surprised when this JS rabi states that 6 billion people on this planet does not deserve to live because they are idol-worshipers.
European political elite was very suspicious of the messaging coming from the Talmud as far back as 800 years ago - The Disputation of Paris, also known as the Trial of the Talmud, took place in 1240 at the court of King Louis IX of France.
If one wants to understand KJs and the SofI one must first understand their delusion of JS supremacy (as Jahweh's chosen people) and their profound anti-Christian hatred (focused on the white Christians).
Chances are you have heard the phrase "Judeo-Christian this", "Judeo-Christian that" - this is just another lie and deception. Judaism and Christianity have absolutely nothing in common. Christianity's central belief is "love your neighbor as you love yourself" whereas JS central religious command appears to be "hate and destroy anyone who is not JS".
"Furthermore, religious JS apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God, and depending upon the various rabbinical schools, the particular rituals and sacrifices they practice may be aimed at enlisting the support of the one or the other. Once again, so long as the rituals are properly followed, the Satan-worshippers and the God-worshippers get along perfectly well and consider each other equally pious JS, merely of a slightly different tradition."
Source. Also see this. David Saltzman, a member of the Chabad-Lubavitch Synagogue in Brooklyn (New York)
To sum it all up, when we think and talk about the SofI, we are talking about a nation that has a religious identity at its core (I have heard from a man in Canada that he considers himself JS but is an atheist - how was that possible I did not know) and the religion they follow is essentially a Satanic cult. Nothing good can come out of that.
So what is the future of the SofI?
16.Yü / Enthusiasm (豫 yù) with changing lines 2 and 4, and7. Shih / The Army (師 shī)
BIAS TEST (偏见测试)
I have nothing good to say about the SofI. I do understand KJs desire to have a national state however what I do not understand is why would they think that GCiding Palestinians will secure prosperity and permanence of their country.
Hexagrams received (卦畫 Guà Huà) were:
1) 16.Yü / Enthusiasm (豫 yù) with changing lines 2 and 4, and
2) 7. Shih / The Army (師 shī)
The original hexagram (本卦 Běn guà)
First hexagram is called Enthusiasm (豫 yù)
Analysis of the hexagram image (卦畫 Guà Huà)
Its inner (lower) trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) receptive = (地) earth, and its outer (upper) trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = (雷) thunder. This conveys an image of a thunder (sudden action) above earth (compliant obedience).
Nuclear Hexagram (互卦 Hù Guà)
The interlocking trigrams are ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water above the ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain - 蹇 (jiǎn), "Limping" - other translation of this hexagram name include Barrier, Obstruction,Trouble, Obstacles, Difficulties, Incompetency, Retardation...

Hexagram name (卦名 Guà Míng)
Modern Chinese character pronounced as yù is translated as relaxed, comfortable, at ease, happy
Old form of this character is a picture of two hands holding an object and offering this object to someone (left side) and an elephant standing up on his rear legs, as if dancing (right side of the ideogram). This is a depiction of delight in giving and dancing:
Wilhelm's translation of this hexagram name was Enthusiasm, I will use it in the text below. Other translations of this hexagram name include: Repose, Complacency, Joy, Delight, Happiness, Joyful Enthusiasm, Contentment, Inspiration, Freedom.
Order of Hexagrams (序卦 Xù guà)
All 64 of the Yi Jing hexagrams are paired up - hexagram #16 comes in a pair with the hexagram #15 which is 謙 (qiān) translated as "Modesty" which also has one firm line and five yielding lines. The firm line is the third line making the inner trigram ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, and outer trigram ☷ (艮 gèn) receptive = (地) earth.
Modesty reversed created Enthusiasm - in Modesty 艮 gèn had inner self-regulation function, in Enthusiasm such regulation does not exist any more, it was replaced by 艮 gèn (receptive).
Hexagram number 17 (the one after Enthusiasm) is called Following (隨 Suí) therefore Enthusiasm is not about Modesty and also it is not about Following - Enthusiasm is something that comes as a result of the attitude of modesty and it is a necessary condition for Following (pursuit of something or someone).
Hexagram statement (卦詞 Guà Cí) also known as The Deciding Remarks (彖辞 Tuàn cí)
ENTHUSIASM. It furthers one to install helpers
And to set armies marching.
Six in the second place means:
Firm as a rock. Not a whole day.
Perseverance brings good fortune.
Nine in the fourth place means:
The source of enthusiasm.
He achieves great things.
Doubt not.
You gather friends around you
As a hair clasp gathers the hair.
Discussing the meaning of the original hexagram and its moving lines
Original hexagram sheds light on the current situation and immediate future (in regards to the question asked).
This hexagram is one of the six hexagrams which have one firm line and five yielding (broken) lines. All those hexagrams have positive meaning except the one which has firm line at the top and five yielding lines underneath.
One firm line among the broken lines generally means that this firm line is asserting its influence on the yielding lines which are happily responding in obedience (except for the top firm line which is to be overthrown by the five broken lines).
So what is the meaning of this hexagram?
This hexagram is describing a situation where the fourth firm line is having obedient/compliant three lines below (坤 Kūn) and two yielding lines above (the fifth line is the line of the rules who is, in this situation, also very soft) so the fourth firm line is in charge.
Line text is telling us that this fourth line is the source of enthusiasm, therefore the subject of the fourth line (Legge speaks about the feudal prince) has managed to create harmony and happy contentment throughout the kingdom and in such circumstances the serfs will follow the lord anywhere he wants to take them to.
It furthers one to install helpers
And to set armies marching.
For our situation with the SofI this is of special significance as it may indicate that under current circumstances the leadership of the SofI may decide to take their "serfs" to the war with Iran, as this is something they have been dreaming of for long time.
Why would they do it now?
Because after October of 2023 majority of their population is supporting government military operations in Gaza (and now in Southern Lebanon as well) so they may happily endorse the idea of war with Iran as well.
Another reason is that they would not enter this war on their own, they need the US military as well (which will mean UK involvement by default) and now that Americans are getting closer to the election time they may be more responsive to the the SofI's war-mongering marketing effort.
So if that happens how would the whole thing play out?
According to the SofI MO first they would murder at least a hundred innocent people in one of the major American cities (Washington would be ideal because this would be used as a convenient pretext for establishing a heavy military/police presence in that part of the US, for the reasons unrelated to that massacre) in a false-flag terrorist attack, then they would blame Iran (or "Iran sponsored terrorist group") for that heinous crime, without giving anyone any time or opportunity to prove or disprove those allegations.
Salvos of cruise missiles would light the night sky and destroy major Iranian airports and other infrastructure. The SofI aircrafts would make sure that Iranian power-plants, oil pipelines and other civilian infrastructure is destroyed as well.
How far would that conflict go one may only guess.
Yi Jing says:
He achieves great things.
Doubt not.
You gather friends around you
As a hair clasp gathers the hair.
therefore theSofI believes they have strong support from the US in the first place but not only from them therefore they will not hesitate to start that military conflict.
But one must keep in mind that the invisible nature of this hexagram (Enthusiasm) is a nuclear hexagram which is translated as Limping, Barrier, Obstruction,Trouble, Obstacles, Difficulties, Incompetency, Retardation, therefore things can easily turn ugly for the SofI.
Resulting hexagram (之卦 Zhī Guà)
The resulting hexagram is hexagram #7 The Army (師 shī) which has other translations as well: Multitude, Legions, Organized Action, Troops...
Analysis of the hexagram image (卦畫 Guà Huà)
This hexagram has ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water as its inner (lower) trigram, and its outer (upper) trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) receptive = (地) earth. Ground water stored up in the earth - masses of ordinary people transformed into a military force.
Much like in the case of the previous hexagram here we have only one strong line and five yielding lines surrounding the firm line. Second line is central and firm which is ideal situation.
However there is one significant difference: in the hexagram Enthusiasm the firm line was in the fourth position which is outer trigram - here the commanding line is in the heart of the lower (inner) trigram. What is the significance of that?
Much like in the previous situation (described under the hexagram Enthusiasm) here in the hexagram The Army (師 shī) a strong man has also managed to unite the people however the uniting force/principle here is not an enthusiasm alone, what is mostly uniting people here is fear - what we see is an organized army ready to fight for its survival.
It is not "the niceness" of the feudal lord that is bringing people together, on the contrary, in this situation people will obediently follow the most ruthless military leader if they believe he will bring them a victory in the upcoming military expedition. The danger inside (坎 kǎn) and the obedience outside (坤 kūn) - the picture of Shī 師.
Wilhelm says:
An army is a mass that needs organization in order to become a fighting force. Without strict discipline nothing can be accomplished, but this discipline must not be achieved by force. It requires a strong man who captures the hearts of the people and awakens their enthusiasm. In order that he may develop his abilities he needs the complete confidence of his ruler, who must entrust him with full responsibility as long as the war lasts.
This is how we connect the second hexagram with the first hexagram (Enthusiasm).
Nuclear Hexagram (互卦 Hù Guà)
The interlocking trigrams are ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = (雷) thunder as its inner (lower) trigram, and its outer (upper) trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) receptive = (地) earth which creates the hexagram # 24 named 復 (Fù), "Returning". Other variations of the hexagram name include "return (the turning point)", Point of return, Coming back.
Here again we have one strong line and five yielding lines above it. This is the Christmas hexagram - indicates the time when light returns in the depths of winter (darkness). Probably this is the reason for the overall positive prognostication for the hexagram The Army (師 shī).
Hexagram name (卦名 Guà Míng)
Modern Chinese character pronounced as Shī is translated into English as teacher, master, specialist; multitude, troops. It looks like this:
Shang dynasty version of the same character looks like this
where the left part of the character called Dui represents multitude of people or a pile; the right part of the ideograph is called Za and it is symbolic representation of a circle, or it can mean movement in a circle. Both together represent a large group of people in a circular formation.
Order of Hexagrams (序卦 Xù guà)
Hexagram #7 The Army (師 shī) comes after the hexagram # 6 named 訟 (Sòng), Conflict, Contention, Arguing, Dispute, Litigation, and "lawsuit" and before hexagram # 8 named 比 (Bǐ), and translated as Holding together (Union), Unity, Coordination.
After peaceful conflict comes military conflict, when military conflict is over people start liking each other again.
Hexagram statement (卦詞 Guà Cí) also known as The Deciding Remarks (彖辞 Tuàn cí)
THE ARMY. The army needs perseverance
And a strong man.
Good fortune without blame.
Discussing the meaning of the original hexagram, its moving lines and the resulting hexagram (and its statement)
First hexagram (Enthusiasm) could be the description of the unity and solidarity among the KJs including the SofI. They are in high spirits and ready to follow their leader in a new military adventure.
The second hexagram (The Army) is telling us the future of the SofI is a permanent war.
Clearly both hexagrams are making references to war and both of them confirm that enthusiasm for military action is not lacking.
The US is the life-line of the SofI - without American financial, diplomatic and military backing the SofI would not last one moon. KJs and the SofI remotely control the US much like some rouge hacker controls someone's PC computer on another continent by infecting that remote computer with a computer virus. KJs and the SofI have "infected" the US with the "JS virus" and they will control it for as long as:
- someone decide to deal with "the virus" or,
- until "the virus" destroys the host.
Which one will come first is yet to be seen.